How To Be A Property Appraiser - Your Route To Earning Income From Real Estate

If you are interested in How To Be A Property Appraiser, you should have no problem getting accepted into one of the many accredited programs available. In fact, after completing an accredited program in property appraisal, the requirements will be far few and far between. You must also have some real world experience before even considering applying for an appraisal career. The appraisal is only the beginning of the exciting career you will face.

how to be a property appraiser


Appraisers must meet a number of educational requirements in order to become certified. The typical program will require a Bachelor's degree from an accredited university or college. Some states do not require a Bachelor's degree in this field, but many do; therefore, you must earn your degree from an accredited school. Some of the other requirements that are often met include a Property Appraisal Institute (PAI) Certification, American Society of Appraisers (ASA) Certified Appraiser (CA) or National Society of Appraisers (NSAA) Certified Appraiser (CAA).


When it comes to actually working as an appraiser, you must meet additional education and licensing requirements. A Property Appraiser (PA) must receive a license from the Texas State Board of License Examiners (SLBI) and pass a written examination in Texas. You must also meet specific licensing requirements in other states, and the appraisers license you receive will depend on the specific state where you live. Typically, most appraisers will be licensed through a combination of these three licensing boards.

How to Be a Property Appraiser - Your Route to Earning Income From Real Estate


Even after you have completed your education requirements, there are still plenty of appraisers available to hire. Most appraisers work independently, so they will be more than happy to hire you. Typically, an appraiser earns a larger salary, but that amount will vary depending on the area you are working in and how experienced you are. Appraisals of residential properties will earn significantly more than appraisals of businesses or industrial facilities. Appraisals of real estate will earn less, but if you have enough experience, you may have the option to work for a specialty lender and learn how to appraise residential and business properties.

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When you first decide to become an appraiser, you will have to find a state-approved school that offers Appraisal courses. These courses will prepare you for your state licensing examination, which you will take at the end of your second year of training. You will also have to submit a portfolio of your previous appraisals to the prospective appraisers you will interview for the job. Your portfolio is a summary of your work, and it will give potential employers an idea of your technical skills and your work ethic.

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Once you have completed your Appraisal coursework, you will have to pass a final exam from the Texas State Board of Equalization. In this final exam, you will have to evaluate the value of a single property (which you will determine by examining its purchase price and its fair market value). All appraisers must obtain financial backing before reviewing any residential or commercial property. The applicant must also pass the Professional Appraisal Practice Examination and he or she must be licensed in Texas. The appraisers, in addition to having a legal education, must also complete a number of other courses that help them understand the different aspects of the real estate market.

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Some states require that the appraisers become members of a professional appraisal organization before they can practice there. In most states, however, the only requirement for becoming an appraiser is that he or she must receive a degree from an accredited program. You must also pass a written examination from the Texas State Board of Equalization before beginning your appraisal career. After being licensed, you are now qualified to bid on Appraisals of Real Estate Valuation jobs. As an independent Appraiser, you are still responsible for completing the appraisals and reporting them to the employer. However, you are no longer required to get a state license to work as an Appraiser.


Although the job outlook for Appraisers is not good, it is possible for you to earn a substantial amount of money as an Appraiser. Because more people are beginning to hire their own appraisers instead of hiring an appraisal firm to do their appraisals for them, there are more positions available for Appraisers. Because Appraisers are not required to have a college degree, they often begin their careers with an apprenticeship. While working as an Appraiser, you may learn more about the process of real estate appraisal and become more knowledgeable in the field. Once you learn how to be a property appraiser, you can begin to specialize in a particular area and work as an independent Appraiser.

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