How To Get Rid Of Groundhogs - Getting Rid Of Woodchucks By Calling Animal Control

Are groundhogs scared of fireworks? Many people believe that groundhogging, or what is also known as the "pile-up" of fireworks due to the loud noise and the debris that can be caused, is bad for groundhogs. But, is this true? Can groundhogging be dangerous? More importantly, can it be prevented?


First, let's look at how groundhogs become entangled in the first place. Most groundhog problems start when you set up a fireworks display near your yard. That's where they (and you) come into contact with the debris and the gunk that is spread out in the air after a fireworks show. That is when a groundhog may "get away." Here's how you can prevent this from happening:


- Fireworks are not the only source of debris and mess that can be blown up into your yard. Dumpster divers and other types of animals will also often create problems for your groundhog. You should make sure to bury any animal poop so that it does not get blown into your yard by wind or the pressure of a dumpster. If you have a large hole to drill, you can buy a pre-hole saw to take care of that, too. You can use a regular jackhammer to hit those buried tunnels as well.

How to Get Rid of Groundhogs - Getting Rid of Woodchucks by Calling Animal Control


- Peppermint oil is another great deterring agent. Just pour some on the hole where the burrow will be, and then sprinkle some more over the surrounding area. Like the others, this will deter groundhogs. Groundhogging cans be particularly difficult to remove, since they usually come equipped with insulating material. Just be sure to keep sprinkling the peppermint oil around after you're done removing the groundhog.

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- There are certain plants you should keep out of your garden in case you want to repel groundhogs. Try planting marigolds or onions next to your driveway or in your flowerbeds. They are decoys for snakes, and they keep snakes away from your garden. Also, try planting mints around your home, because they are also excellent traps. Just be sure not to put too many of them in one hole or tunnel, though.

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- Garlic gloves are another excellent way to get rid of ground hog problems. Groundhog scent is pheromone strong, and garlic is the world's most powerful pheromone. This means that a simple sniff from a cute little handbag will make snakes turn away. Use a pair of gloves and have everyone wear thick gloves on their hands before you go out.

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- You can also use your fencing materials as a way to repel groundhog. Use hay bales on the outside of your fencing, but make sure that the fencing material is not permeated by any liquid. If you do use hay bales outside, put them on the bottom, and leave them loose. You can also buy non permeable fencing, but if the liquid is permeable, it probably won't work anyway.


These tips are just some of the methods you can apply to your yard to get rid of groundhog problems. For best results, apply all or most of these techniques to your entire yard, and then just watch the groundhog come to your yard to feed every single day. Good luck!


If the groundhogs are in an open area such as an open field or a field with some grasses, there are a few things you can try before calling Animal Control professionals. You can try a flying dust cloud to chase the groundhog away. The dust cloud can be made by spraying a can of corn into a big plastic trash bag and then blowing the bag while holding it a few feet away from the groundhogs. You can also try sprinkling some baking soda into a ball of groundhogs and letting the cloud float through the air for about a minute or so. Both of these methods should be done about a hundred feet away from the area in question.


In the summertime, How To Get Rid Of Groundhogs can be made even easier by dressing up the yard in all kinds of different colors. Many people like to use orange and yellow clothing to attract groundhogs because they are the most common colors of groundhog. Dressing up the yard will make it look like the yard is full of tasty woodchucks!

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